Noctula Channel: The portuguese company that built its headquarters with used tires and cans

Article published in Noctula Channel portal about the construction of the Utopia Building.

Snippet transcription:

"The main building of the Utopia project was constructed with the outer walls of used tires filled with earth. This technique, developed in the 1970s by American architect Michael Reynolds, called Earthship, was adapted to the humid northern climates of the country, with the entire building suspended in the air via 34 pillars to facilitate air circulation, improve the energy efficiency of the facility, and reduce soil sealing.

This project is not only concerned with construction techniques, the surroundings of the building and employees with nature are important. The building will be surrounded by a patch of native deciduous trees (located so as to allow the sun to pass through for heating in the winter and shade in the hot months), by a vegetable garden capable of meeting most of the needs of the canteen and a careful respect for nature and species contained in the space will be ensured."